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How Managed IT Can Help Small Businesses Grow

Technology has become an integral part of organizational success as it is being adopted into the workflow of companies worldwide. New advancements have made it easier for companies to track inventory and sales from remote areas and cloud computing and AI have greatly improved business functions and increased the interconnectivity of the employees. While these technologies might seem beneficial for all kinds of businesses, small companies usually fall behind due to limited budgets and IT resources.

This does not mean that small businesses can not reap the benefits of developments in the IT sector. Companies have started increasingly outsourcing their IT functions as they realize its merit over having an in-house IT department. A survey by Clutch found that from the 37% of companies that outsource at least one function, outsource IT. It also states that the top reason behind this is to increase efficiency by 24% and to gain access to trained IT professionals.

Small businesses usually outsource IT through managed IT services that can help the company simplify communication and collaboration. They also monitor organizational systems and alert the company if there’s an issue. This enables the company to get the service of dedicated staff, plus customer service without having to hire extra employees.

Forms of Managed IT Services in USE

Many small businesses already have a managed IT solution provider. Companies with fewer than 100 employees value outsourced IT for data storage and backup, communications and hardware support.

One of the most important functions of IT providers is cyber security. These services enable companies to not worry about maintaining their servers and protecting them against hackers and malware. IT services employ cyber security experts who ensure that the company data stays protected by implementing industry-standard procedures and preventive measures. They also provide impeccable customer support and address any issues with the servers or the communication portal immediately so that the operation of the company don’t get interrupted.

43% of cyberattacks are targeted towards small companies and 83% of them are not equipped to defend themselves, making managed IT service providers nearby more important than ever.

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